Simon (サイモン): The former hero of Samanao, he was thrown in prison by the king.

It is assumed that she was killed and eaten by Orochi, who took her place, but in the remake editions the player can ask the God Dragon to resurrect her.

He wants you to rescue his lover from Kandar. Galen or Gupta (グプタ): He is the boyfriend of Tanaya (タニア), granddaughter of the owner of the Pepper House in Baharata.The remake editions give him his own icon, although the Super Famicom ROM includes a sprite for Ortega as a color-cycled Kandar. But in the North American NES edition, his appearance was changed to that of a male Soldier. In the original Famicom edition, his appearance (in the battle with the King Hydra) is that of a color-cycled Kandar. He then sought to defeat the Great Archfiend Zoma. But, in fact he fell into the land of Alefgard and was trapped. It is thought that he died fighting a monster on the rim of the volcano Necrogond. Ortega (オルテガ): After the hero was born, he left to fight the Archfiend Baramos.On his/her 16th birthday, he/she seeks permission from the King to follow in his father's footsteps as an adventurer. The Hero/Heroine is the child of Ortega, and lives in Aliahan.Kill 'em if you want, but I usually just tag them so others can as well. Not on the ground-level, not on the top-most level. 1 will spawn to the left of the main centerpoint of the room, the other to the right of the main centerpoint. 2 will spawn early on, 2 more in the later half of Boss' health. First 2 ball deposits again, at left or right deposit location.īoss Encounters - I believe 4 spawn in total for both Bosses. Immediate Champion for bottom right platform for 2nd Ball spawns. First 2 balls deposited will spawn a Champion each at the left or right of deposit location. You can hear and/or see both spawns.īALLS Encounter - 1 Champion immediately at bottom platform where first set of Balls spawn. Being in the middle of both spawns is ideal. I believe it's every 2 Taken Essences deposited afterwards for a Champion.

Taken Essence - When an Essence is deposited, 1 Champion will spawn. The Champions spawn in predictable places, often near the objective you should be doing/helping anyway.Įther Encounter - 1 Champion as soon as "Defend" objective pops up at 1 of 3 Ether Servitors. Didn't mind it specifically because you just need to tag the Champions with a singular point of damage for credit, not the killing blow.